K.D. Hyde
J. Linn. Soc. 110: 95-110, 1992
Fruiting bodies raised, brown, crust-like, circular spots, up to 750 µm
in diam., with a small central ostiole; lenticular, developing beneath
the host epidermis, with overlaying clypeus and variable development of
stromatic tissue laterally. Ascomata one or two per stroma, lenticular,
225-285 m m high x 510-750 m m in diam., ostiolar canal lacking periphyses.
142-207 x 14.2-19.8 m m, 8-spored, clavate to long-cylindrical, pedunculate,
fissitunicate, the ends rounded with an ocular chamber and a ring not
staining blue in Melzers reagent.
42-66 x 7.0-10.6 m m, biseriate, yelow to light-brown, yellow in mass,
7-8 septate, constricted at the septa, the 2 central cells being largest,
surrounded by a gelatinous sheath. The sheath is first ellipsoidal, but
once released swells and forms a distinctive shape, with a central `spine'
and curved polar extrusions.